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August 26, 2015

Gas or Electric: Which Lawn Mower Is Best for You?

When it comes to lawn mowers, there are a surprisingly large number of options available. Mowing the lawn can be a pain, so when it comes to choosing your tool it is important to choose the one that can help you tackle your yard the best.

Electric and gas mowers each have their own benefits that largely depend upon the type of yard you have, your personal choices, costs, and the level of maintenance you’re willing to take on.

Gas Mowers

When you think of lawn mowers, it’s likely that a gas mower is what first comes to mind. These mowers provide the power needed to easily tackle tough grass and mow larger areas without troublesome cords or having to re-charge a battery. A little gas can go a long way! Gas mowers also can be more durable and long lasting in comparison to some electric models.

If you’re looking to be environmentally friendly, a gas powered mower is not the top option as it emits carbon monoxide and dioxide into the atmosphere. They also tend to be much noisier than electric mowers. Due to the additional mechanisms and pieces, gas mowers tend to be heavier as well.

Electric Mowers

A popular alternative to gas lawn mowers, electric mowers a great option for those looking to avoid some of the downsides to using a gas powered tool. Not only are electric mowers quieter, you also avoid the frustrating pull-to-start process of turning on a gas mower. Electric mowers also don’t require sparkplugs or fuel filters eliminating the additional accessories needed with gas powered mowers. While they can be pricey up-front, electric mowers also can become cost effective over time.

Despite these benefits, electric mowers are not the best option if you have a large area to cover because they either come with cords or rechargeable batteries that last for only about an hour. They also can be dangerous when used in wet conditions as the electrical components can cause electrocution if they come into contact with water. An electric lawnmower isn’t the best choice for lawns with tough grasses or for someone who may wait for their lawn to look like a jungle before taking out the mower.

Looking to upgrade your mower? Keep an eye out for Louie’s ACE Home Center’s “cash for clunkers” program this September! If you need other lawn care equipment for a short period of time, check out our ACE hardware rentals.

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