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Embarking on Your Seed Starting Journey

Spring is in the air, and it's the perfect time to start planning your garden. Starting plants from seeds can be a fulfilling and cost-effective way to cultivate your garden. At Louie's Ace Home Center, we’re here to guide you through each step, from selecting seeds to nurturing your seedlings into flourishing plants.

Choosing Seeds and Understanding Temperature Needs

The first step in your seed starting adventure is selecting the right seeds. Different seeds have unique germination requirements based on temperature. For instance, heat-loving plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants need warmer soil temperatures to sprout effectively. On the flip side, cool-season crops such as spinach, lettuce, and cabbage have lower temperature requirements. It's essential to follow the instructions on the seed packet to ensure the best start for your seeds.

Lush Garden

Seed Selection for Every Gardener

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting, choosing the right seeds is crucial. Consider starting with easy-to-grow varieties like basil, zinnias, or sunflowers, which are more forgiving and perfect for beginners. As you gain confidence, you can explore more diverse and challenging varieties.

Containers and Potting Mix: Setting the Foundation

Once your seeds are selected, it's time to consider where they will grow. You can start seeds in various containers – from DIY recycled yogurt cups to specialized seed trays. The key is ensuring they have adequate drainage and are deep enough for root development.

When it comes to potting mix, opt for a sterile, seed-starting mix. This helps prevent disease and provides the ideal texture and moisture retention for your seeds. Avoid using soil from your garden or reusing potting soil from houseplants, as these may contain pathogens harmful to seedlings.

The Art of Planting Seeds

Planting seeds is more than just burying them in soil. The depth at which you sow your seeds is critical – a general rule is to plant them four times as deep as their diameter. For seeds that need light to germinate, use a thin layer of vermiculite to cover them. This ensures they get the light they need while keeping the soil moist.

Spacing is another crucial aspect. If using trays without individual cells, ensure seeds are sown 1-2 inches apart to provide adequate growing space. Remember to label your seeds accurately to track their progress and provide the necessary care as they grow.

Lighting and Watering: Nurturing Your Seedlings

Adequate lighting is vital for healthy seedling growth. If you're growing indoors, consider using fluorescent or LED grow lights, and adjust them to be just a few inches above the tops of the seedlings. Rotate the pots regularly to ensure even light exposure.

Watering is equally important. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, using a mister or small watering can. Overwatering can lead to issues like root rot, so it's essential to find the right balance.

Visit Louie's Ace Home Center

Ready to start your seedling adventure? Visit us at Louie's Ace Home Center for all your seed starting needs. We have a wide selection of seeds, potting mixes, containers, and grow lights to help you get started. Our friendly staff is always here to offer advice and support as you embark on your gardening journey.

As winter wanes and the first signs of spring emerge, it's the perfect time to start thinking about your garden. Late winter offers an ideal opportunity for planting trees and shrubs, setting the stage for a lush landscape. Louie's Ace Home Center is here to guide you through this process with practical tips and expert advice.

Choosing the Right Time and Species

Late winter, just before the spring thaw, is a prime time for gardeners to plant. This season is particularly suitable for dormant bare-root plants like roses and fruit trees. They establish roots in cooler temperatures and burst into life as the weather warms. However, it's crucial to be selective with species; evergreens, for instance, may struggle to establish roots in winter's tail end. Prioritize species that thrive in your region's climate for the best results​.

Soil Preparation: Laying the Foundation

Proper soil preparation is key. Ensure your soil is well-aerated and well-drained before planting. While it might be tempting, avoid over-amending the soil. A moderate amount of compost and bone meal can enrich the soil without overwhelming your new plants. When digging the planting hole, keep it no deeper than the root ball and twice as wide. This provides ample space for roots to grow without being constricted​.

Planting Technique: The Art of Nurturing Growth

When planting, gently place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the ground. For compacted soil, loosening it can facilitate better root growth. Be mindful not to plant too deep, as this can stress the plant and hinder its growth. Remember, the initial care you take in planting can dictate the future health of your trees and shrubs​.

Post-Planting Care: Ensuring a Strong Start

After planting, regular watering is essential, especially when the soil below the mulch and in the root ball feels dry. Mulching can help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature. However, be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other issues. Consistent care in these early stages will pay off with robust growth in the spring and summer months​.

As you plan your late winter planting, remember that a little preparation goes a long way. Visit Louie's Ace Home Center for all your gardening needs, from quality soil and mulch to a wide selection of trees and shrubs suitable for your area. Embrace this season of renewal and transform your garden into a vibrant, flourishing space.

Spring is finally here which means we’re about to experience warm weather and a lot of sunlight. This is the time when flowers and plants are coming into full bloom and life is starting anew. However, it does take a bit of work to get your garden going again after a long, cold winter and it’s not too late to plant a beautiful garden you can enjoy. All you need are your gardening products, a good area to plant, and some tender loving care. 

Make this spring and summer beautiful with an array of different plants and greenery that are easy to care for when you get help from Louie’s ACE Hardware store! Take a look below at some of the gardening supplies you’ll need to keep your lawn and garden in tip-top shape.  

garden products

Must-Have Gardening Products 

Having quality gardening supplies will make caring for your yard much easier and more effective. If you have the right materials you will be able to go much further in your hobby. Some of the basic tools and products you might need include a spade, rake, garden knife, pruners, and shovel. These are just a few of the basic essentials you’ll need but you might consider purchasing other gardening products to make life even easier. Some of the additional tools or gardening products you may want to include in your collection are:

Padded Kneeler 

Padded kneelers are used to provide protection for your knees when working on the ground. There are a few options regarding these products such as a kneeler that turns into a little bench you can sit at or memory foam mats. 

3-Way Meter

The 3-way meter will become your saving grace when it comes to diagnosing problems within your garden. This invention tells you exactly everything you need to know about your plants and allows you to quickly fix anything that might be bad for your garden. You’ll get feedback on PH levels, light intensity, and soil moisture. 

Drip Kit 

A garden drip kit is crucial for the busy or forgetful homeowner who doesn’t always stay current with the watering schedule. If you don’t feel like going out every day to water your plants or don’t always have the time, having a drip kit is for you. 

Chemical-Free Weeder

Sometimes it is easier not to get down and dirty, which is where this invention comes in handy. With a chemical-free weeder, all you have to do is spike the ground where the weed is and pull it out. Not only is this better for you and the environment, but it’s super simple and quick. 

Tool Belt

Do you struggle to carry all of your garden supplies while working in the yard? You’re not alone, which is why there’s the tool belt. Easily tote around your gardening tools with a tool belt you can simply clip around your waist. 

gardening products

Fertilizer, Soil, and Weed Control

Some of the most important gardening products you’ll need are fertilizer, soil, and weed control. Having the proper gardening tools to prepare the earth for new life is important, but so is the environment in which they live. Fertilizer is used to provide nourishment and nutrients to your plants while gardening soil is used to ensure your plants have a fresh bed to lay in. And weed control will prevent encroaching and unwanted plants from taking over the garden area.  

Tips For Starting a Garden 

Now that you know what type of gardening products you’ll need, here are a few tips to get you on your way. To start, you’ll want to stop by the ACE hardware store to pick up all of the tools and materials you need. Then, plan the layout of your garden along with the plants you want to include. Here’s how you can start your garden this spring:

Step 1

First, find the perfect location to set up your garden. Decide if you want a regular yard garden or if you want a raised bed garden. This is important because there are different soils for each type. Also, make sure that the site you decide on gets plenty of sun and water. Just like us, plants need these things to survive and grow beautifully. 

Step 2

You’ll also want to make sure you understand what plants will work for the climate you are living in. Better to not waste your time and energy on a plant that won’t grow where you live. The USDA provides a plant hardiness zone map that will help you determine which plants are most likely to grow and thrive in your area. 

Step 3

Now that you have your gardening tools, have chosen the plants you want to feature in your garden, and have a layout of what the area is going to look like, you’re ready to build the garden bed. You’ll need proper soil and some mulch to complete this. Many consider using raised garden beds because they offer a wide variety of benefits that lowered beds do not. 

Step 4

Plant your seeds or seedlings very carefully as they can be quite delicate. After your seeds have been planted, you’re ready to start caring for your new garden. Be sure to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Plants love water, but even too much of a good thing can have poor results. 

Step 5 

Use your gardening tools and products to maintain your garden throughout the spring and summer! Gardening requires a lot of work and a lot of love, so be sure to tend to your garden as needed! 

gardening products

Stop By Your Local ACE Hardware Store

We hope these gardening tips were helpful for you! If you’re in need of any gardening products, be sure to check out Louie's ACE Hardware store for more tools and supplies. We also offer ACE hardware rentals for your lawn care needs such as batchers, aerators, high-weed mowers, and weed whackers. Give us a call today for some of our expert spring gardening tips or to learn more about the gardening products we offer!

With the spring season in full bloom, gardening is becoming a common past time. Even more so for those who are self-isolating at home and want a beautiful garden to enjoy while they wait out the lockdown. While gardening can be fun and relaxing, not having the proper tools and materials can make the process less pleasant and even difficult or frustrating. In order to have a successful, peaceful gardening experience, be sure to get proper hardware and garden supplies to help you out. Take a look below at some of the gardening products every gardener should own, and come get yours from Louie’s ACE Home Center!


Garden Footwear and Clothing

One of the most essential gardening tools you’ll use over and over again is gloves. Proper gardening gloves are usually made from leather or synthetic material such as nitrile. These gloves are durable and thick, and are designed to prevent thorns or sharp stems from causing injuries to your hands. So, you can see just how important gloves are when it comes to gardening. And remember, the type of gardening you’re doing, such as pruning or planting, will help you determine which gloves will work best for your project. Fortunately, our friendly staff is always happy to help you make the best choice. 

Another product that avid gardeners swear by are clog/waterproof shoes. Clogs are quite common because they are easy to slip on and off, and are quite smooth, making them easy to clean. However, any waterproof shoe will be beneficial to someone working away in the garden. Beware, as you’re gardening your shoes are going to get wet and dirty, regardless of how hard you try to avoid it. So, be sure to wear proper footwear to prevent ruining a good pair of shoes.   

setting up a garden with ace gardening supplies

Garden Seats and Kneelers

If you plan on gardening often and in rough terrain, then a garden seat or garden kneeler could save your body a lot of aches and pains. Kneeling on hard surfaces or in dirt or rocks can take a heavy toll on your knees and other parts of your body. And continuously exposing your body to this sort of pain can have serious consequences later in life. Luckily, garden seats and kneelers are there to prevent such problems. They provide an adequately cushioned spot for you to rest your knees or bottom on so that you don’t have to feel the repercussions later. 

Garden Tools

Gardening usually requires a delicate touch and careful hands. Remember, your plants are living things and they need to be handled with proper care. Unlike your typical shovels and rakes which are often too large to use in a garden, ACE hardware garden hand tools are made much smaller and with a more specific purpose in mind. Any gardener should be equipped with the following hand tools:

Some other gardening tools that you must have are a wheelbarrow for transferring dirt and other debris, and a gardening tool belt or supply cart. A supply cart helps keep all your gardening tools organized and out of the elements for better storage and easy clean-up. 

ace garden tools and supplies

Planting Accessories

Some planting accessories such as edging, mulch and markers are crucial to a successful garden. Edging helps keep mulch and plants in one secluded area and helps prevent overgrowth and weeds from penetrating your garden. Also, edging can help give your garden and your yard a clean, polished look. Mulch is used to cover the soil of your garden and acts as a protective layer that keeps soil cool, moist and unharmed by weeds and pests. Also, mulch can be used to make your garden look more appealing and some mulches even give vital nutrients to the soil underneath. Lastly, consider using markers in your garden to label all the different plants and to keep track of their growing habits and needs. The markers we’re talking about are stakes you put in the ground that have a sign on the top which you can use to write down your plant information on. 

Seeds and Plants

Gardening would be nothing without the plants, so be sure to stock up on seeds and any plants that you may want to plant into the ground! Often, seeds and plants are separated into two groups; annual and perennial. Annual plants need to be planted annually, meaning with each new season, you’re going to need to replant the same plants if you want them back in your garden. Perennials, however, only need to be planted once and the plants will regrow on their own in the next season. So, be sure you know the difference between annual and perennial plants, and get the ones that will work best for you!

Watering and Irrigation Supplies

And lastly, be sure to gather an adequate amount of watering and irrigation supplies. Plants need water in order to grow and live, but too much water can be problematic as well. Watering hoses and nozzles with different spray settings are always recommended, but be sure to give your plants the necessary irrigation required to keep them healthy and thriving.

pink flower that has bloomed

Get Your Garden Supplies from Louie’s Home Center

If you’re getting ready to spruce up your garden but need some supplies to get you started, head on over to Louie’s ACE Home Center! As Fallon’s hardware store specialists, we’re confident in our products and our ability to guide you through your next DIY or home project. So, take a look at some of our garden supplies, or connect with us to get some advice or help with your next project!

Spring has definitely sprung, and for those of you who are desperate to get out into the garden and get started, here are some top tips to help you make the most of the longer days and prepare a garden to be proud of all year round.

Have a Tidy Up

It doesn’t matter if you’re a green-fingered expert or a complete beginner, all gardens need a thorough tidying up after the winter. Mulch your borders with compost or manure and stop any young weeds in their tracks. All your hard work will pay off when it’s time to sow seeds and start the most fun part of gardening- planting!

Plant Trees and Shrubs

Definitely most people’s favorite part of gardening! After all, that hard work tidying up and removing unwanted plants, it’s time to get planting. If you didn’t manage to plant trees and shrubs during the fall, the ground should now be free from frost and therefore soft enough for you to get planting now. That way, your new plants will be fully established by the time winter hits again.

Pack Down Exposed Roots

Ground frost can cause roots to lift out of the ground during cold weather. It’s important to pack them back down again during spring. This will give your plants a fighting chance of survival!

spring gardening

Collect Fallen Leaves

If you have any deciduous trees (those that shed their leaves in winter), make your own leaf mold by putting the fallen leaves in trash bags with a little water. Tie the tops of the bags and make a few small aeration holes in the side before storing them in a sheltered part of your garden. By summer, you’ll have nutritious leaf mold ready to pamper your plants with. It can be added to soil and potted plants. Plus it actually reduces the need for watering: no bad thing here in the desert!

Sow Summer Plants

Sow summer bedding plants indoors in early spring. They can then be moved outdoors in late spring/early summer, once the weather warms up and there’s little chance of frost damage.

Plant Veggie Crops

If you planted vegetables last year, remove any old crops completely before sowing new seeds. Prepare seedbeds and fertilize your soil ready for this year’s crops, then look forward to all those delicious homegrown dinners! We hope this post has inspired you to get out in the garden and get busy. At Louie’s ACE Home Center, we have everything you need to fully embrace the joys of spring gardening, so pay us a visit today! We offer lawn care equipment from our ACE hardware rentals.

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